Deadstock Fabric
Deadstock fabric is leftover fabric that comes in a variety of ranges, from natural fabrics like linen, to polyester lace. There are several different reasons why deadstock exists. When fabric is around unsold or unused for too long it is considered deadstock fabric. Errors can occur during the manufacturing process….
How to Create a Vision Board
Are you making a vision board this year? Creating a vision board helps keep you focused and is a mindful process to plan out the year you want to achieve.
Shop Local this Christmas
Avoid the stress of mall shopping and headache of ordering online by shopping at local Christmas markets. Support independent brands and small businesses.
Can Leather Be Sustainable?
Can leather be sustainable? Does leather have a place in the world of sustainability?
Behind Franky Dune
At this point, I decided to turn my own personal contacts, my little black book if you will, that I have grown and curated over the years to create Franky Dune Sustainable Fashion Resources as a way to help fashion designers find and source fabric suppliers that offer low minimum order quantities (MOQ) quickly and easily.
How to Have a Sustainable Fashion Brand
How to have a sustainable fashion brand when everyone is sh***ing on the sustainability movement.
How to Connect with Fabric Suppliers
Recently I read a post from an agency that helps designers connect with suppliers. Now this agency is incredibly helpful to many and rightfully so.
However, I was struck by the information I read on her take on how to reach out to suppliers. “Do not ask suppliers what their minimum order quantities (or MOQS) are in the first email.”