How to Create a Vision Board


What’s a Vision Board?

A vision board is a collage that can be made up of images, words, fabric, quotes, that is put together either on paper, or digitally as a way to visualise the goals, intention, focus, for the year ahead. Creating a vision board is a mindful process to plan out the year you want to achieve.

Digital Vision Board

If you are creating a digital vision board, you can make it on Pinterest, Canva, Milanote or I’m sure there are other platforms for this too. You can print your vision board, or have it set as your desktop on your computer or screensaver on your phone. 

I always do mine on poster paper and keep it somewhere where I spend the most of my time, which is in my studio space in front of my sewing machines. 

I like to take my time, but I don’t like to overthink, over-plan, or analyse any part of the process. I start simply with the words, phrases, and images that speak to me in one way or another. Or it can be as simple as just liking the look or sound of the magazine clipping.

Why Make a Vision Board?

I use vision boards to help keep me focused for the year. Also if I am aspiring to be, or do, or accomplish, or overcome something, having the end result or dream result which is the vision board, keeps me inspired to continue to move forward. This probably has some Law of Attraction qualities to it? I think I have heard these referred to as manifestation boards or dream boards as well?

Whatever it is that you want to call it or whatever your intention is behind it, I know that when I create these boards, they set the tone for the year. Call it “come true” or “manifested” or simply kept you on track, what I know is that having a hard copy (not digital) vision board up on the wall where you can see it everyday is making an impression on your brain, visually reminding you of where you are, what it is that you inspire to do, to be, to make, where you want to go every single day.

How to Make a Vision Board?

You can base your vision board topics from a life wheel, or specific areas you want to focus on. I tend to really just let my intuition guide me. Meaning, I select only what feels right. Or even if it simply looks right. I have years of clippings saved.

At the end of December when Christmas is said and done and I can focus on what’s ahead for the new year, I take these out of the folder and start to go through them all, one by one. I put in front of me the images, words or phrases that speak to me and put the other ones back into the folder and save them for another year.

There is no thought process, strategy or planning. I find it interesting to see what pops out at me one year feels like nothing the next. Any new magazines I have I will sit down with a cup of tea put on some YouTube or Netflix, Spotify or a podcast and start flipping through them. When I lived close to my best friends back in Canada, we would gather up all of our magazines, put them in a big pile on the kitchen table, make a pot of tea, put on music and settle in to go through our magazines together.

When to Create a Vision Board

This usually takes me a few days, and I slowly start to create something that feels right. I move clippings around, take away, add, and slowly the directions I have on my heart and in my mind begin to reflect on the poster board in front of me.

I try to have this ready for the first week of the new year, but some years it’s not until February that I finally get it all glued down. My intention is to not have this as a stressful activity, based on a set deadline. Enjoying the process means as much to me as the finished project. 

Where to Get the Magazines?

I tend to not cut up new magazines until I am really truly done with them, I’ve read the articles and looked at every page, a few times over. I get the magazines from asking in local facebook groups for extra magazines that anyone is done with, or from a second hand store to see if they have any. When I am at the shops, if they have free magazines, or even a grocery store, I will use those. They are usually good for words and phrases. I am learning Portuguese, so this works well for me to have the Portuguese language up on my wall. I need all the help I can get!

Where do I Get the Poster Paper?

I buy the vision board paper from any local craft shop. The colour is never really the same. Sometimes it’s white, dark blue, or soft yellow or it’s on a cork board like last year’s. For 2022, I am really liking my clippings against a matte black.

Final Thoughts on Making a Vision Board

My advice is don’t overthink this process. It doesn’t have to be a massive administrative undertaking. It is meant to be personable and soulful, and a chance for you to connect with what is stirring inside of you, or the thoughts that are loud and clear on what you want to focus on this year.

Enjoy the process, have fun and happy new year.

Karen Yakymishen

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